NTD procedure
NTD procedure
Do you believe that content on a website hosted by us is unlawful? Report this by sending an email to abuse@cyberfusion.io. On this page, you will find the information you need to send, and the procedure.
Your personal data will be used to process the report.
Include this information
- First name.
- Last name.
- Address.
- City.
- Email address.
- Phone number.
- Name of company or organisation (if applicable).
- Website that the report pertains to.
- Your role. For example:
- A user of a website hosted by us.
- Parent of user under 16 of a website hosted by us.
- A rights holder of copyrighted work published on a website hosted by us.
- A rights holder of a published trademark (proof registration number) that is published on a website hosted by us.
- Demand. For example:
- Remove/block the material.
- Issuance of name and address of the website holder.
- Provide a response to the publication on the website.
- Basis for the report. For example:
- Infringement of copyright, trademark right, trade name right or other right of the reporter.
- Racist, hateful or discriminatory speech.
- Defamation, slander, insult or threat towards the reporter.
- Violation of privacy or portrait rights of the reporter (including stalking).
- Child pornography or other illegal pornographic publication.
- Pornographic or otherwise sexually explicit image or text.
- Computer crime (hacking, viruses, etc.)
- Publishing personal data without permission.
- Explanation of the report.
- If the report concerns an infringement of a right: declare that you are the owner of the right that has been infringed or that you are entitled to act on behalf of the right holder.
- If the report concerns an infringement of a right: has an attempt been made to contact the website administrator? If so, what reason did they provide for not intervening?
Include as much evidence as possible
For example:
- URL.
- Other description of the material that is the subject of the report.
- Poster name/alias/username (if applicable).
- Screenshots.
After the report has been sent
- You will receive a substantive response to the report within 7 days.
- Is the report urgent? Then you will receive a response within 48 hours. We determine whether it is.
Legal or privacy questions?
<p>Email <a href="mailto:info@cyberfusion.io">info@cyberfusion.io</a></p>